June 15, 2021

entry by Elyse Portal

in a little moment, a gift in time…when a small boy was sleeping….still in sight…I walked a short distance away…to find between a storm the brilliant rays of Solidago….at first I just sat and noticed and tasted bitter anti-oxidant leaves….prolific plant…one of the main things going on around this extraction urbania….in the midst of COVID….a mass of Solidago next to the old hospital…

June 13, 2021

entry by Clayton Windatt

Little moments in time are gifts and need to be given consideration as an act of reflection to ensure we understand ourselves. Without reflections once and a while we can become caught up in actions larger than self.

May 24, 2021

entry by Clayton Windatt

The summer is setting in and I am still in my house. The world is negotiating itself yet again and I am waiting for a decision to live with. I want to go to places and ideas that bring people together. I want to consider traveling between places so that our communities do not become isolated. As the sun hits my face, I want to share positive experiences more than finding new ways of tearing each other down. Life is too short to spend it with hate. I want to think about land stewardship and making things better even though I may not live to see that benefit.

November 26, 2020

entry by Tara Windatt

Hurt and frustration.

Lost in translation. The gap

between us has grown.

October 28, 2020

entry by Tara Windatt:

Little Water

I have walked your shores all my life

Part of me always knew you

Part of me found you again

You flow through me

Weaving together the threads of my being

I will carry you with me 


October 6, 2020

entry by Tara Windatt:

When I die,

I will be mourned by some

And then forgotten.

Just as my ancestors were

And my children will be.

But we never really die.

We just transition

Into a new state of being.

And those atoms and particles

I conceitedly claim as my own

Will leave me

And live on forever.

September 26, 2020

entry by Elyse Portal:

juniper berries tugging at a distance,

what does normal know about ecological balance?

enjoying your garden’s colourful abundance

hearing your chickens

August 15, 2020

entry by Tara Windatt:

I stumbled into the arts world after falling in love.

My partner started working at a small artist-run centre,

So I became an arts administrator.

July 30, 2020

entry by Tara Windatt:

When I was young I learned that I wasn’t an artist.

I couldn’t draw, so I couldn’t be an artist.

I had friends that could draw, but not me.

I still made art. All children make art.

But I wasn’t an artist.


July 16, 2020

entry by Elyse Portal:

2 gifts for your mind:

These Wilds Beyond Our Fences;

Boreal Herbal


July 7, 2020

entry by Clayton Windatt:

You bury a friend.

Your friend buries another friend.

Your child buries a friend.

Your car breaks down.

You don’t get the job.

You don’t get the grant.

Is crisis a state of mind or a combination of all relations impacting?

I still acknowledge and appreciate my privilege.


June 29, 2020

entry by Emilio Portal:

How we see things there,

Is how we think about things.

that’s why things get lost.

June 22, 2020

entry by Tara Windatt:

When crisis becomes

the modus operandi,

is it still crisis?

June 15, 2020

entry by Tara Windatt:

The lilies have gone;

Spring is becoming summer.

Devil’s brushes now.

June 11, 2020

entry by Clayton Windatt:

Each time I am asked to guide others through the world,

I challenge my ability, privilege and question my ethical involvement.

Some people I help while others are asked to seek support in other places.

I cannot be all things to all people.

June 8, 2020

entry by elyse portal:

Tara, I wonder

how you feel during COVID

what is alive now?


June 1, 2020

entry by emilio portal:

lots of things happening in the world

my friend, lindsay delaronde, said that:

The politics are thick right now.

clayton and i had a heated conversation this morning about race, violence, colonization, politics and how it all intersects with art.

we both agree that strong delineations cannot be the path to real reconciliation.

we need to honour and respect one another.

hate filled murder is completely devoid of any such notions.


sometime in April or May, 2020

entry by elyse portal:

we made our way from a conservation area in Sudbury to Lake Nipissing, so we could hand-deliver Enlivenment, by Andreas Weber…

when we arrived no one was outside, so we left the text at the top of Tara & Clayton’s stairs… it all felt so COVID-19 strange - we hadn’t ‘visited’ anyone in a while…

I began to get curious about what was growing around their house… soon Tara and I found ourselves on a walk… giving each other space… there were so many trout lilies… and I had never seen so many trout lilies near someone’s home…

now I wonder if they have something to say to them… like our big-tooth aspen trees (Populas grandidentata) in our backyard (but in their own trout lily way)

then we looked at their prospective garden site…